5 Free Educational Resources (Student Edition)

Chris Nicolas
2 min readOct 14, 2020

Finding great educational resources can be a challenge as a student. Here is a quick guide to 5 awesome tools to help you on your educational journey.

#1 Quizlet

Quizlet is an awesome tool to help you create flashcards for studying any material. The best part of Quizlet though, users around the world and at different universities and schools have made Quizlets for classes and tests already. Just hit the browse button or search and you may have just saved yourself hours of prep work.


#2 Wolfram|Alpha

Wolfram|Alpha is an incredibly powerful tool for data-driven problems. Math problems become a breeze, search chemical compounds, history dates almost become interesting, and so much more.


#3 Evernote

Trying to find a better way to take notes during class? Try Evernote. Create folders for your academic years, and notebooks for classes. Evernote makes it simple to manage and create your notes.


#4 Miro

Miro is an incredibly powerful collaboration tool. Use it for group projects with your peers to share ideas faster and in realtime. Work remotely to cultivate, share, and grow from one another.

#5 Khan Academy

Khan Academy is one of the best supplemental learning platforms to date. Struggling in Organic Chemistry or Multivariable Calculus, Khan Academy has a course for you. It’s a great platform to reinforce your day-to-day learning in the classroom with additional instruction.

Have other great websites? Leave them in the comments below.

Disclaimer: I was not paid on behalf of these companies to write about their products. I genuinely love these products and feel that everyone could benefit by using them.

